Know Commercial Solar Panels Better!
Commercial solar panels are multiple photovoltaic solar panels arranged together to
convert sunlight into electricity. These solar panels are made up of solar cells that
are further made from silicon. The silicon comprises a positive and a negative layer
which creates an electric field. These silicon layers are arranged in a grid-like
pattern. Once the power is generated by the solar cells, it is sent to an inverter that
converts DC power into AC power. The multiple panels together form a solar array that
helps generate a lot of electricity.
The commercial buildings have huge open or rooftop space to install a large number of
solar panels that produce enough electricity or more to meet the building’s power needs.
The electricity is stored during the day and can be utilized at night too. Commercial
solar panels are extremely stable and require little maintenance. They can last for more
than a decade and they can be used to even light up the industries’ sign boards apart
from generating electricity for all the units of the building. It is the most renewable
and environment friendly source to generate electricity.